Ella Harriz – photo was stolen from Taylor Nicole Harrison

Nickname: Ella Harriz
Website / URL: Facebook id=100091385195711, id=100087362906771, Instagram @harrizella
City / Country: Cyprus
Photo stolen from Taylor Nicole Harrison

Text of report


i want to report a scammer profile under the name of Ella Harriz, active on Facebook and Instagram. The picture of this women has already been used under the name of “Olivia Harrison” and has been reported on your website. The person using her pictures claims to be her, a UK citizen and active member of the British Army stationed in Cyprus. Recently she claimed to have been in the hospital possibly asking of financial support for medical bills and recovery. There are many pictures of this women publicly available which allows to reuse them for criminal purposes. One of the pictures of this women online, suggest a membership in the US army. Thank you for making this public to avoid and prevent potential fraud.

Ella Harriz - photo was stolen from Taylor Nicole Harrison 1

Remember, photos are used by scammers to trick other people. Always check the photos on the Internet, always try to call by video like skype or WhatsApp to see this person’s face live.

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