Atanok lee – photo was stolen from j__taek

Nickname: Lee
Name: Atanok lee
Second name: Desmon
Website / URL: Facebook id=100089472497673
Phone: +2348141891937
City / Country: Nigeria, Thailand, London
Photo stolen from j__taek


Text of report

Me contactó en interpals y empezamos a hablar cómo todos era lindo y se interesaba por mí, todo iba bien hasta que llegamos a un famoso regalo donde yo tenía que pagar para recibirlos, indague y me di cuenta que las fotos no coincidían ya que encontré un perfil de instagram con esas fotos de meses e incluso años atrás, por lo que compare también las fotos de los supieras regalos y también eran de internet, me dijo trabajar en Amazon y vivir en Londres, cuando no le fue posible hablar con la supuesta empresa que me conecto desde Londres para el pago y depósito, le pregunté que realmente estaba pasando le pregunté de las fotos encontradas y las fechas, no me contestó para dialogar, me bloqueó, y me reporto en Messenger por un supuesto hostigamiento en cuanto a los mensajes últimos que envíe

He contacted me on interpals and we started talking about how everyone was cute and interested in me, everything was going well until we got to a famous gift where I had to pay to receive them, I investigated and realized that the photos did not match since I found an Instagram profile with those photos from months and even years ago, so I also compared the photos of the known gifts and they were also from the internet, he told me he worked at Amazon and lived in London, when it was not possible for him to speak with the supposed company that connected me from London for the payment and deposit, I asked him what was really happening, I asked him about the photos found and the dates, he did not answer me to dialogue, he blocked me, and reported me on Messenger for alleged harassment regarding the last messages I sent

Remember, photos are used by scammers to trick other people. Always check the photos on the Internet, always try to call by video like skype or WhatsApp to see this person’s face live.

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